Running Scared

Someone is running scared, and that someone is Mark Meadows. Meadows filed an emergency appeal on the ruling issued by District Judge Steve Jones, denying his request to move his case to federal court. Meadows is fighting like hell to move his case, but he wants the state court to wait for him. What has Meadows so afraid of is the fact that the state court can convict him, even as he appeals, and he doesn’t want that to happen. The Hill shared portions of Meadows’s filing, which included their request that the Court of Appeals issue a stay on the state court proceedings while Meadows’s appeal is pending. These criminals spewed their trash to overturn a completely fair election, and now that they must answer for it, they’re acting like a bunch of whiny babies.

Both Meadows and Trump have made claims that they were acting within the scope of their positions as federal officials. Lindsey Graham made the same claims, though he hasn’t been indicted-yet. As The Charlotte Observer posted, Graham should also be facing charges. He is just as guilty as Meadows, if not worse, because he openly suggested to Raffensperger that legally cast votes should be thrown out. Graham shouldn’t be too complacent; Fani Willis could pull a “Jack Smith” by filing a superseding indictment. As the Observer reported, the only thing that is likely saving Graham from inclusion is that his phone call wasn’t recorded, but he is no better or no less guilty than the others.

As Willis’s indictment shows, this entire fiasco was a conspiracy of the worst kind. What makes it even more egregious is that people who were elected to national office to support the people have done anything but that. Once they got there, they appointed people of a similar mindset who were down to do whatever their benefactors wanted. Now, they want help getting out of the very messes they made themselves. There is no sympathy for them.

Filing an appeal with the 11th Circuit may not end up in Meadows’s favor. This is the same circuit that slapped Judge Aileen Cannon down, and that panel included two Trump appointees. Heaven help Meadows if he gets some liberal judges on his panel, though that would totally serve him right.

This entire crew is begging to get what they deserve. They lied to the American people-not once but over and over and for what? A ne’er do well like Donald Trump? Of course, all of them crave power; they live for it. Perhaps they mistakenly thought Trump would bestow some on them had he been able to cheat his way back into the White House to continue his destruction of this country.

Most people never want to wish bad on others, but all these criminals deserve everything they get. They lied, they tried to cheat, and they tried to steal. Any other person in the U.S. would have already gone down for such actions. Why should they be treated any differently? They need to play with the hands they’ve dealt for themselves.

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