Former Trump adviser confirms Robert Mueller knows everything about Trump-Russia treason

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When Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s proposed interview questions leaked earlier this week, Palmer Report felt safe in declaring that Mueller knew “everything” about the Trump-Russia scandal. How could we be sure? The questions covered every ugly aspect of the scandal, including the treasonous parts, and Mueller never asks a question without knowing the answer. Now one of Trump’s own former people is confirming the same thing from the inside.

Donald Trump’s former adviser Michael Caputo just finished being interviewed by Robert Mueller. It’s something of a revelation that Caputo was willing to cooperate with Mueller at all, after having famously launched a profane tirade aimed at the congressional committees investigating the same scandal. Now that Caputo has spent some quality time with Mueller, he’s spelling out the differences between the investigations, and he’s also spelling out just how much Mueller already knows.

Here’s what Caputo told CNN’s Manu Raju today: “It’s clear they are still really focused on Russia collusion … They know more about the Trump campaign than anyone who ever worked there … The Senate and the House are net fishing … The Special Counsel is spearfishing. They know what they are aiming at and are deadly accurate.” This helps to confirm the premise that Mueller really does make sure he knows the answers to questions before he asks them, which is the only way to be in position to ask questions as specifically and accurately as Caputo is describing.

This also helps to confirm that the various House and Senate investigations into the Trump-Russia scandal, though they vary widely in terms of bipartisanship and legitimacy, are a mere sideshow in comparison to Robert Mueller’s investigation – and Mueller already has all the pieces. So why is he even interviewing Donald Trump’s people? He’s looking to catch them in a lie, so he can use that to pressure them into cutting plea deals against Trump. Cooperating witnesses are the most effective method of taking a kingpin down.

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