Now we know that Robert Mueller knows EVERYTHING about Trump-Russia

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At various points during the course of the Trump-Russia investigation, we’ve been reminded that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is several steps ahead of the media, the public, and Team Trump. There’s no question he knows more than any of the rest of us do. The question has become just how much more he knows. Now we’re learning that he in fact knows everything.

Skilled federal prosecutors generally only ask questions of a witness, subject or target if they already know the answers. That way, they’ll know when they’re being lied to, and they’ll know to focus in more deeply on those topics. Based on his established pattern, Robert Mueller never asks a question he doesn’t already know the answer to. So it’s a big deal that his proposed questions for Donald Trump have leaked to the New York Times, because it clues us in about what Mueller already knows.

Based on the questions, it’s now clear that Mueller already knows everything that happened in this scandal. He’s asking about the help that Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort got from Russia during the election. He’s asking about the conspiring that Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner did with the Russian Ambassador during the transition period. He’s asking about Donald Trump Jr’s Trump Tower meeting. More importantly, he’s asking Trump about his role in all of these matters. This means Mueller already knows what happened, and he knows how Trump was involved.

In fact, considering that Donald Trump will probably never sit down for an interview anyway, these questions may be Robert Mueller’s way of letting Trump know that he has him nailed to the wall on everything. We still have yet to see precisely how Mueller plans to nail Trump for these crimes. Based on Mueller’s consistently aggressive moves, we know for sure that Mueller won’t simply file a report with Congress and call it a day.

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