So much for Donald Trump being a germaphobe

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Back when the Pee Pee Tape story first surfaced, Donald Trump claimed he couldn’t possibly have gotten tangled up in a mess involving Russian prostitutes and urine because he’s a germaphobe. Trump has made this claim at various points over the years, but his behavior has cast doubt on its veracity. Now we have a definitive answer on the matter.

When Donald Trump met with French President Emmanuel Macron today, he did something really strange, even by his standards. Trump spotted what appeared to be a speck of dandruff on Macron’s shoulder, and reached over and dusted it off for him. There has been debate across social media today as to whether what Trump did was simply weird, or outright demented. What’s being lost in that debate is what it proves, or rather, what it disproves.

Dandruff consists of dead skin cells. It’s not something that a germaphobe would ever even consider touching. So now we know once and for all, without question, that Trump is not a germaphobe. Of course this doesn’t prove the Pee Pee Tape is real. But when someone is accused of something, and they start off their defense with an excuse that’s an outright lie, it always means they’re hiding something in relation to that accusation.

So now we’re a little bit closer to knowing that Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape incident really did happen. This comes just one day after flight records revealed that Trump lied about not having spent the night when he was in Moscow in 2013. In other words, we’re getting closer to the Pee Pee Tape by the day.

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