Donald Trump’s hot circle of garbage

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Whenever we make the mistake of rhetorically asking if this whole Donald Trump thing can get any worse, we’re always provided with a definitive answer we weren’t seeking. There’s almost no way to classify what we’re now seeing play out, as Trump gets more frazzled and desperate, and the antics of him and his allies get further exposed. Some of these latest developments don’t even seem like real life.

I mean, of course no one was shocked to learn yesterday that Donald Trump has been caught lying to the FBI about the details of his “Pee Pee Tape” trip. But that was the least cartoonish story of the day. Michael Flynn’s son decided to incriminate Mike Pence in the Trump-Russia scandal, apparently just for the heck of it. We knew Pence would get his eventually, but no one would have predicted it would come from a meddling kid.

Then there are these bizarre allegations about Donald Trump’s military doctor supposedly getting drunk on the job and improperly handing out drugs. In a surreal twist, this comes just days after Trump began ranting about an unnamed “drunk/drugged up loser” on Twitter, although we’re pretty sure Trump was referring to a different one of his associates. Things have gotten so cartoonish over the past few days that Trump’s pal Sean Hannity just got caught up in a real estate scheme involving Trump’s HUD department, and the story is barely registering.

A week ago, Hannity’s role in the Michael Cohen scandal was front page news. Now things have gotten so much weirder, Hannity’s new scandal can’t even get attention anymore. Shania Twain is now apologizing for Donald Trump, because that’s not weird. Trump is suddenly talking about pardoning a guy who’s been dead for seventy years, and shockingly, it’s not Wilbur Ross. This is all a hot circle of garbage, and it’s still only Tuesday.

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