Now we know why Rudy Giuliani’s wife left him when she did

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Just two weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani’s wife of fifteen years announced out of nowhere that she was suddenly filing for divorce. Rudy responded to the news by making the surreal comment that he and his wife were going to divide their assets 50-50 and get it over with. It set off alarm bells about what Rudy and his wife thought was about to happen to him. Today we’re getting some answers.

It’s being widely reported this evening that Rudy Giuliani is in fact Donald Trump’s new personal attorney representing him in his criminal scandals. Of course Giuliani is knee-deep in Trump’s criminal scandals, and therefore cannot legitimately represent him. That’s apparently not going to stop Giuliani and Trump from trying it anyway, at least until the federal judge tells Rudy to go take a hike. But the upshot here is that, unless Giuliani has secretly cut some sort of plea deal and is acting as a double agent, he’s doing this because he knows he’s screwed.

In fact let’s take a look at the timeline as we now know it. Rudy Giuliani and his wife announced on April 5th that they were amicably splitting. The FBI raided Michael Cohen’s home and office on April 9th, after it was signed off on by the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York. Donald Trump has tried so hard to rig the SDNY in his favor that he appointed Giuliani’s former legal partner Geoffrey Berman to be the U.S. Attorney for SDNY. Everyone in the upper levels of the SDNY office would have known about the raid at least a few days before it happened. In other words, it sure sounds like someone tipped off Giuliani that things were about to get very ugly for him, and it scared Giuliani and his wife so badly, she immediately decided to seize her half of their money.

Throw in the fact that Rudy Giuliani is now desperately trying to join Donald Trump’s legal defense team in the hope of somehow saving his own hide, and it’s not difficult to figure out that Giuliani is running scared – and he has been for the past two weeks. Whatever the Feds found in the Cohen raid, Giuliani sure seems to think he’s been caught up in it.

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