Donald Trump has weird pre-dawn Twitter meltdown, and no one can figure out what he’s saying

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We knew we were in for a surreal day when whoever handles the retweets on Donald Trump’s Twitter account was off to an early start this morning at 5:44am eastern time. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later, long before the sun was up, Trump himself launched straight into a Twitter meltdown that was weird even by his standards. In fact, no one can even figure out what he’s saying.

In the span of 280 characters, Trump attacked the Governor of California, accused the state of having launched a civil war against the United States, hurled a bunch of racist accusations at Mexican immigrants, and used a term that doesn’t appear to exist. Here’s what he tweeted: “There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept. Jerry Brown is trying to back out of the National Guard at the Border, but the people of the State are not happy. Want Security & Safety NOW!” Wait, what the hell is a breeding concept?

No one who replied to Trump’s tweet could seem to figure out what the phrase was supposed to mean. One respondent tweeted “Breeding Concept?? What are you even talking about?” Another replied with “That’s what I’m wondering,” and yet another with “I’d like to know too.” Was Trump trying to accuse immigrants of coming to sanctuary cities to “breed” by having children? Was this a weird typo or autocorrect failure and he meant some other word?

The truth is, we have no idea. At this point Donald Trump’s tweets are so far round the bend, we no longer have much of a clue what he’s even trying to say. Then again, neither does he.

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