Donald Trump unwittingly tweets list of crimes his administration is accused of committing

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Donald Trump has skipped his traditional pre-dawn Twitter rant two days in a row, raising questions about why he’d become so distracted or gun-shy. He then tried making up for it later in the day on Saturday, first with a rabid and semi-coherent attack on Amazon and two major newspapers, and then with a Fox News-prompted attack on California Governor Jerry Brown. In the process, Trump tweeted a list of supposed crimes committed by illegal aliens. The trouble: it was in fact a list of crimes that he and his advisers have been accused of committing.

Here’s what Trump tweeted: “Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown pardoned 5 criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include (1) Kidnapping and Robbery (2) Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize (3) Dealing drugs. Is this really what the great people of California want?” Here’s the thing. This is instead a list of crimes that Trump and his own people have been confirmed or alleged to have committed, and it’s not even that difficult to demonstrate it.

First, “Kidnapping and Robbery.” At the time Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn cut a plea deal, he was being investigated for his role in a plot to kidnap a guy in Pennsylvania and ship him overseas. Facebook recently accused the Trump campaign’s data firm Cambridge Analytica of having stolen the user data of fifty million users for use during the election.

Second, “Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize.” Donald Trump recently fired White House aide Rob Porter after the media learned that his two ex-wives had accused him of having beaten them. Trump’s former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was also once charged with domestic violence against his ex-wife. Trump’s Department of Labor nominee Andrew Puzder was withdrawn due to allegations that he had beaten his ex-wife.

Third, “Dealing drugs.” This turns out to be the most difficult one to precisely match up. We can’t find anyone in the Trump campaign or administration who has been specifically accused of dealing drugs. But the Washington Post did just report that Trump’s White House personnel office is run by people who have a history of “arrests for drunken driving and bad checks and a Marine Corps reservist with arrests for assault, disorderly conduct, fleeing an officer and underage drinking.”

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