Donald Trump’s new American shame

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There is an old saying which states: “When a person shows you who they are, believe them.” Our dear president, loves to read this impassioned poem called “The Snake” repeated again just earlier today, at the infamous CPAC pro gun convention. But often what Trump says about others, is really what he means about himself. And yet it seems that every day we are shocked and astounded by his behavior, as day after day, he hits at what can only be considered as a new low, and still it continues.

I think the shock factor is that all of us Americans grew up so reverent about the office of the presidency. Remember the movies National Treasure 1-3? As cliché as it might sound, that meme was steeped in American history and one could not help but come along for the ride. The Declaration of independence, The Freemason, hidden historical treasures with code deciphering in play. A cornucopia of American storytelling, deep in tradition, honor and pride.

And so, like it or not, we keep expecting Trump to be “presidential.” I think that even the FBI stands in shock every time he and his cohorts attack them publicly. He is the president for goodness sake; who does that? But this is who he is. A realty star, minus The Apprentice, with folks like Omarosa, just there in his past, but still tethering so precariously in the present.

For the sake of this country and for the sake of our collective sanity: “Wake Up America” and put your grandiose expectations aside. This is who he is. And unless Mueller comes to the rescue, our nostalgia for the office of the presidency, will just have to wait a few more years.

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