‪Donald Trump says he’s a “germaphobe” so Russian prostitute story can’t be true‬

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Even as Donald Trump dodged one question after another about his ties to Russia during an ill fated press gathering which could only charitably have been called a press conference, he did take time to address one issue which has been threatening to take the piss out things: the accusation from British intelligence that the Russians have blackmail video of him involving prostitutes and urination.

The story, which has been dubbed “Golden Shower Gate” by users on Twitter, exploded last night when it leaked out that the FBI and CIA viewed the claim as credible enough to include it in security briefings. But Trump insisted during his press conference today that it was false. His reasoning? He’s a “germaphobe.”

There has been scattered documentation in the past of Donald Trump having some issues with germs. But during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter earlier in the campaign, when he was asked about the matter, he insisted “I’m not germaphobic.”

In other words, Trump either is or is not a germaphobe, depending on whether or not he’s trying to convince people that he didn’t let Russian hookers pee on him. Just covering Trump’s demented sex life makes us want to reach for the hand sanitizer.

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