Yet another Donald Trump scandal is about to explode

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Donald Trump and his failing White House have so many scandals going on, it’s difficult to keep track of them all. There’s the Russia scandal, the affair with the porn star, the coverup of domestic violence, the security clearance scandal, the emoluments scandal, and too many others to list. Now yet another Trump scandal is about to explode, and it’s about to happen in plain view.

From the start, Trump and his administration have kept the White House visitor logs private. If we can’t even see the names of the money launderers or Russian spies who are visiting Trump’s White House, it makes it harder for us to figure out which ongoing crimes Trump and his people are committing from within the White House. But now, according to a Politico report (link), after a months-long court battle, the Trump team is giving up and agreeing to publish some of those visitor logs.

Trump and his people will almost surely produce logs that are incomplete and/or fabricated, because they always handle these things in a dishonest manner. But if that’s their strategy, they’ve already made a strategic mistake. By withdrawing their objection in court and agreeing to publish some logs, Trump and his team are ceding the legal point that visitor logs are indeed public domain. So if the logs they publish are worthless, it’ll be easy to go back to court and get a judge to order that the rest of the logs (or the real logs) be released.

Donald Trump and his henchmen are every bit as bumbling as they are corrupt. It’s not clear why they’ve finally given up on the visitor log fight at this particular time; perhaps they sensed they were about to lose it anyway. But now they’re backed into a corner, and one way or the other, we’re soon going to see those full visitor logs. Considering the extent to which Trump and his team went to hide these names, they should be some real scandal-inducing doozies.

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