Rachel Maddow calls Donald Trump a liar, and all he can do is whine about it

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Since being named the winner of the election, Donald Trump has famously – and disturbingly in the minds of many – refused to participate in most of his daily intelligence briefings. Instead he’s consistently attacked the intelligence community on Twitter, and once claimed he didn’t need them because he’s “smart.” But now Trump is outraged that NBC News knew about the most recent Russian hacking report before he did, and he can’t seem to figure out why. Nor does he seem happy that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow flat out called him a liar over it.

The precise timeline is still nuclear as far as when and how each of the various entities became made aware of the intelligence report in question. We do know that Donald Trump finally submitted to an intel briefing on Friday. Afterward he released a statement in which he grossly mischaracterized the report, seemingly not aware that the media would have it as quickly as he did. Sure enough, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow was among those who were able to factually compare and contrast what the report actually said and what Trump had claimed it said.

And so it appears that Trump is merely upset that NBC called him out for quickly lying about what the intelligence report said, and he’s trying to distract from it by accusing NBC of having somehow obtained the report illegally. Watch Rachel Maddow calling Donald Trump a liar in the MSNBC video below:

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