Jeff Sessions has sold out Donald Trump to Robert Mueller

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All along we’ve known two things about Jeff Sessions: he loves using the Attorney General job to carry out his racist agenda, and his early recusal meant that he was never going to show Donald Trump any loyalty when it came time to protect himself. That meant Sessions was always going to keep the AG job as long as he could, and then sell out Trump to Robert Mueller as soon as he had to. It turns out that moment was last week.

It was clear something was up last night when it leaked that Trump and Sessions had asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to fire FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, in an attempt at obstructing the Trump-Russia investigation. This meant that Mueller had Sessions nailed not just for famously lying to the Senate a year ago, but also for obstruction of justice. In other words, Mueller had Sessions nailed, meaning Sessions was going to have to flip on Trump – and he has.

Sessions gave a voluntary interview to Mueller last week which lasted several hours, according to the a new report from the New York Times today (link). The fact that the interview took place at all means that Sessions decided to cooperate. The fact that it lasted for several hours means that Sessions did indeed give Mueller much or all of what he wanted; otherwise the interview would have been rather short and Mueller would have instead hit Sessions with a grand jury subpoena.

As we explained, Jeff Sessions was always going to sell out Donald Trump in the end to save himself. That part isn’t a surprise. But it’s a big deal that it’s happening right now. Mueller has managed to get Sessions on board with the prosecution before Mueller’s interview with Trump takes place. This means Mueller will go into that interview armed with far more evidentiary ammunition.

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