“I’m done with all these lies”: Donald Trump’s data director Brad Parscale has angry meltdown

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In the wake of Michael Wolff’s humiliating new insider look at Donald Trump’s criminal and failing White House, a number of Trump’s own people are reacting in a rather outsized manner. Among them is Trump campaign data director Brad Parscale, who has spent all day staging an angry meltdown on Twitter while hurling serious accusations at various people, suggesting he’s feeling the pressure himself.

Parscale is decidedly on Trump’s side, based on his words today, yet he’s throwing a number of other Trump campaign people under the bus. The trouble: it’s difficult to figure out precisely whom he’s targeting. For instance there’s this tweet: “Truth: Jared Kushner and Eric Trump were joint deputy campaign managers to Donald Trump. Nobody else. Not one person made a decision without their approval. Others just took credit for this family’s amazing ability. I’m done with all these lies. They will be embarrassed!” Wait, since when was Eric Trump doing anything? And who specifically, beyond Wolff, is being accused of lying here?

A subsequent tweet offers a hint. Parscale posts a passage from Wolff’s book about the data deal between the RNC and the Trump campaign, and refutes it thusly: “Bannon and Conway had nothing to do with this. Eric Trump and I inked this deal. The entire campaign was setup before their arrival.” So he’s attacking Steve Bannon, which is no surprise after this week’s remarks, but he’s also attacking Kellyanne Conway, who has been laying low throughout all of this.

In short, Brad Parscale is now specifically defending Donald Trump and his family, while trying to cast the blame on pretty much everyone who is not a member of the Trump family. Investigators have already pegged Parscale as a witness or suspect in the Trump-Russia scandal. Is he siding with the Trump family because he’s looking for a pardon, or is he just this blindly loyal to a crime family who didn’t even bother to give him a White House job?

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