No one can even figure out what the hell Donald Trump is talking about

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Donald Trump spent Wednesday threatening to start a nuclear war, bragging about the size of his anatomy, calling for his opponents to be jailed, and trying to start international incidents with no less than four different nations. The end result was so much chaos and calamity that one of his most bizarre announcements went a bit under the radar, even though it potentially has major implications for Monday, even as no one can seem to figure out what the hell he even means.

Just sixteen minutes after tweeting about nuking North Korea with a red button on his desk, Trump posted this surreal tweet: “I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned!” This could have been written off as a bad attempt at sarcasm, if not for the fact that he’s vowing to follow through on it at a specific date and time. So what’s he really talking about?

No one knows. Some think it’s tied into the vaguely similar antics of his Fox News co-conspirator Sean Hannity, particularly as Trump tweeted a plug for Hannity’s Tuesday night show, only to delete it a few hours later. Other respondents on Twitter simply posted images from The Twilight Zone while exclaiming things like “Is this real life” and “Are you drunk” while someone politely asked “Maybe you should consider going to hell.”

In any case, the upshot is that maybe we’re supposed to expect Donald Trump to do something wild and crazy on Monday at 5:00pm. Maybe he’s been told that major news is about to drop at that date and time that will make him look bad, and this is his way of trying to distract from it. Or maybe this is like when he claimed Melania would hold a press conference in a week and it never happened. No one knows for sure. But this man needs immediate professional help – and a straitjacket.

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