Today’s arrest of Donald Trump adviser Rick Gates may have taken down the entire Republican Party

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Rick Gates is being viewed today as the “other” Donald Trump campaign adviser who got arrested alongside infamous Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Gates is so obscure that there are few photographs of him on the internet, and even his Wikipedia page is so comically shoddy that it doesn’t know what year he was born in. But there’s one key detail about Rick Gates – confirmed by the Trump campaign itself – which points to Gates’ arrest as being stunningly bad news for the Republican National Committee and Republican Party.

Back on August 19th of 2016, Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller announced via Twitter that “Rick Gates will be taking over as the campaign’s liaison to the RNC based in Washington.” This was a few weeks after the Republican National Convention, where the Republican Party leadership had gotten an up-close look at the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia over the party platform, and an up-close look at Paul Manafort in action. Party leaders surely knew by August that A) Manafort was a Russian puppet, and B) Gates was Manafort’s longtime Russian puppet comrade. Yet the Republican leadership signed off on the appointment of Gates as RNC liaison anyway.

It’s one thing for the Republican Party leadership to have known that the Donald Trump campaign was colluding with Russia, and to have looked the other way for the sake of wanting to win the election. It’s an entirely different thing for the party leadership to have knowingly and willingly taken on one of Trump’s Russia conspirators as a liaison. While this isn’t legal proof of anything, it strongly suggests that the party leadership was actively in on the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy. So who would this involve?

At the time, the chairman of the Republican National Committee was Reince Priebus, who later went on to very strangely become Donald Trump’s White House Chief of Staff, even though the two men always hated each other. Notably, Trump fired Priebus just days after campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was arrested in July.

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