Donald Trump’s inability to stay awake during his trial is creating another problem for him

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Donald Trump keeps falling asleep so often during his criminal trial, the media is making a major story out of it. Trump’s people are so defensive about it, there’s now a post on his social media site angrily insisting that he’s not sleeping during the trial.

It seems readily apparent that Trump’s inability to stay awake is yet another symptom consistent with severe dementia, along with his memory problems, confusion about who’s who, and increasingly frequent use of imaginary words.

But since Trump isn’t willing to admit that his inability to stay awake is due to dementia, it’s creating another potential problem for him. Legal expert Joyce Vance says that because the jury is seeing Trump constantly dozing off, the jury could take it as a sign that Trump doesn’t have any sincere interest in his trial, and the jury could end up using it against him.

At this point the criminal case against Donald Trump is so comprehensive and overwhelming, the jury should have an easy time of convicting him without even considering factors like the fact that he’s sleeping through his trial.

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