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Donald Trump’s criminal trial is playing out on two levels. There’s how the jury sees it, which is all that matters when it comes to a conviction – and that conviction will do more than anything else to shape public opinion about the trial. But in the meantime there’s the separate matter of how the media is spinning the trial as it plays out. And as of last night, at least, that spin is remarkably positive.

At the top of the 7pm hour on Friday night, I turned on MSNBC, whose chyron accurately referred to Hope Hicks’ testimony against Trump as “damning.” Then I flipped to CNN, where a former prosecutor said that Hicks’ testimony means the prosecution has proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Remember, facts are true whether the media admits them or not. As a statement of objective fact, this trial is going overwhelmingly well for the prosecution. And as a statement of fact, Hicks’ testimony alone is indeed enough to convince most juries to convict. Even if the media were claiming that these things were false, they would still be true. But, in a pleasing development, the media is indeed admitting that these things are true.

A cynic would argue that MSNBC and CNN are only admitting that Trump is getting destroyed in this trial is because it’s so obviously and overwhelmingly true, the average viewer already knows it before they tune in – and as such these networks would look foolish to try to argue that Trump has the upper hand.

But regardless of the reason, the mainstream media is indeed accurately portraying this trial as a slam dunk for the prosecution and a nightmare for Donald Trump. And that’s a good thing, both because it’s always good when the media is telling the truth, and because it helps allow folks on our side to focus on fighting and winning instead of fretting and cowering.

Of course tomorrow is Sunday, typically the least honest day in political news. We’re about to be subjected to Meet The Press and all the other Sunday morning shows that have devolved into “both sides” nonsense and worse over the past few years. We’ll see what take these bottom feeding Sunday morning shows come up with about the trial.

But when we’re at a point where MSNBC and CNN are already admitting one week into the trial that Donald Trump is losing badly, that’s a good sign. Keep in mind, this trial may go on for another month. The revelations and bombshells (and confirmation after confirmation of what we already know) will keep coming. There will be no shortage of drama – even if there’s less doubt by the day about the outcome.

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