Donald Trump’s brain turns to rotting mush

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“Like comparing apples and rotten oranges.” Doctor John Gartner, one of America’s leading psychologists, agrees that something is very wrong with Donald Trump’s brain. . He compares President Biden’s brain (apple) to Donald Trump’s brain (rotten orange).

Quick observation — Do you notice how everything about Trump returns to the color orange? Anyway, Gartner, a former John Hopkins professor, said the difference between the two men is as clear as day.

Biden’s brain is “aging.” Trump’s brain is “dementing.” Excellent way of putting it. Gartner explains that he’s studied Trump for years and that, in his opinion, Trump’s mental health is “getting worse.”

Gartner backs up his claim by pointing to Trump’s rallies. “He can’t get through a whole rally without revealing himself,” Gartner explains. It’s true, friends and readers. I can’t name one rally that Trump has got through without making some verbal gaffe. That’s new. He didn’t do that years away, and it’s high time people noticed.

Gartner said that Trump will continue to get worse and that, at some point, he will “fall off the cognitive cliff.” Gartner also said Trump is falling apart mentally far too quickly ever to be able to handle being President.

Trump’s mental health is an ongoing issue that we here at Palmer Report try to cover as honestly as possible. I’ve given reason after reason, evidence after evidence, to show what people are saying about Trump’s mental decline and what each person’s bona fides are that gives them the knowledge and skill set to comment in the first place.

Although I’m no doctor, I have eyes, as do you. Things with Trump are going to get worse and worse steadily. The mold and orange mush that is Trump’s rotting mental health has nowhere to go but down. I also thank Dr. Gartner for calling out all of this.

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