Going Under

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There is whispering, going on, dear readers. These whispers are about the GOP House. It’s underwater. The GOP House Caucus has become an underwater train, with passengers jumping off at every stop. And now, what was once a vibrant and hard-working house has become little more than a flickering vessel submerged in chaos, bullshit, and emptiness.

Underwater. The Republican House is now the “smallest majority of the 21st century.” This was reported by the Washington Post, who actually published an infographic all about it.

“The Speaker must be very careful.” Whispers are that things have turned into a nightmare for Mike Johnson. The House GOP is now in tatters. They can only afford to lose two votes. Those two votes they CAN lose are contingent on every single GOP House member being present when it’s time to vote.

But the Washington Post reports that at least one member is usually absent. How often are they absent? Well, almost 100 % of the time—99.8 %, to be specific. They’re underwater, no doubt about it. This will be agony for House Republicans; what will they do?

Run like hell, perhaps. If more Republicans flee the sinking ship, that wound could be fatal. They need every single vote they can get these days. That might be why their aching desire to impeach President Biden is going nowhere, washing calmly away, likely never to be heard from again. They do not have the votes.

Johnson is, at this point, no more than a speaker in name only, these days. Who is the REAL speaker? There isn’t one. That is, of course, the REAL problem. When a restaurant cooks gourmet meals, it needs a chef. When a plane flies, it needs a pilot. When a boat sails the seas, it needs a captain.

When a group of politicians get together to make policy, they need a leader. The House on the Republican side is bereft. It is completely bereft of leadership. It’s become a college dormitory hallway with angry and squeaking students yelling insults at each other while the work they need to do lies languishing tiredly in cobwebbed drawers. There is no leader to lead the House GOP. There is only anarchy. They are underwater.

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