Donald Trump hosts dictator Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago, an idiotic move that only helps us

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Donald Trump hosted Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago last night, and there’s video footage of Trump heaping praise on Orban for being a dictator. There’s a ton of panicked doomsday hysteria about this on social media right now.

But in reality, this was an utterly stupid move on Trump’s part. We know this is who he is. But each time Trump does something like this, he makes it a lot easier for us to convince voters in the middle that this is who Trump is.

So by all means, we should be actively rooting for Donald Trump to openly meet with monsters like Viktor Orban. These are total dumbass moves on Trump’s part, and frankly additional evidence that Trump is now too senile to remember that he’s supposed to keep such meetings secret. Let Trump keep screwing up like this. We’ll just keep using it to take him down.

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