Fox News melts down

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Republicans like to say that we Democrats do not know how to define what a woman is. This, like everything the GOP says, is pure bunk. The bottom line is that we know women. It is Republicans who are struggling mightily on THAT front.

The Democratic Party welcomes all women, black women, brown, golden, white, young women, old women, mothers and daughters and sisters, and wives. We know that each woman’s story is different, shining brightly with its own truth. And republicans?
They see women in women one thing only. Obedience.

Republicans imagine women as living under his eye, as passive and meek things, as holding their heads downward like ostriches, waiting for the man to take the lead.

Women are seen by the GOP as not having their own voices, as not being as smart nor as good nor as EQUAL as men. This we all know. But what of MEN? How do the different parties see MEN? The Democratic party sees men as smart and sensitive people who wear their vulnerabilities like trophies, who can be both smart and confident at the same time, and who value the voices of ALL of the American people.

Republicans see men as tough cavemen unbreakable in their condescension, patronizing, and pompous ways, people who draw back in horror when any sense of fun is shown by men. That might be why republican men, especially epublican men from Fox News are absolutely MELTING DOWN, faster than a colorful sprinkled cone on a summer’s day, about President Biden eating ice cream.

This is no joke. These are the Fox Non-news ideas of what men REALLY are. Of all the Fox men, nobody was worse than Ice Cream hater Jesse Watters. Folks, this guy could be a college fraternity meme; he does seem to come straight from central casting in THAT regard.

Horror sharp on his face, looking like the world had just ended, Watters actually said — wait for it — that eating ice cream in public is not MANLY! What? No, of course not, you might be thinking. Even Fox wouldn’t go that far.

The answer to that is yes, they would — and have. Needless to say, Twitter, who has never met an ice cream cone they didn’t adore, promptly took Biden’s side, as did ALL sane individuals.

Watters also suggested that any ice cream eating should be saved for vacation. Please, someone, get Watters a brain. Do it now. If any man had ever said this to me — that men should not eat ice cream in public — I would have run screaming.

I will end this article with a thought on what a man is to ME. A man is someone who does whatever the HELL they like as far as ice cream goes. This is because a real man is “comfortable in their skin.” That describes Biden so well.

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