Senile Donald Trump is completely falling to pieces during his speech today #TrumpIsNotWell

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Donald Trump is attempting to give a speech today, and suffice it to say that it’s not going well, even by his recent standards. Trump’s dementia symptoms are clearly getting even worse, as he’s spent the entire speech tripping over his own confusion.

For instance, Trump thinks there’s now a “bill” that has him ahead of Joe Biden. What does that even mean? Maybe he meant a “poll.” Or maybe he’s talking about nonexistent legislation. Maybe he’s referring to me, Bill Palmer. At this point nothing would be surprising. And what did Trump mean today when he said something about “wallmongers”? But using wrong and/or fake words was just the start of Trump’s troubles today.

At one point in Trump’s speech he insisted that he isn’t getting major political figures confused with each other. At another point in the speech he stated his belief that Barack Obama is the current President. There’s a reason Trump keeps getting more defensive about these senile moments of confusion; they’re getting far more common and far more severe.

At another point Trump seemed to believe that he was in office in 2014. It’s the latest instance of Trump seemingly losing track of the current year, current decade, and so on. Whatever period of time his failing mind can remember in any given moment, he seems to think that period of time is the present, or that he was in office during that period of time.

It’s just a matter of time before Donald Trump gets so confused that he thinks the stage is a bathroom and tries to urinate on the podium or something. That sounds like a crass joke, but it’s not intended to be one. Trump already doesn’t know who anyone is, or when he is. How much longer before he gets confused about where he is, and treats the stage like it’s something other than a stage? Such a moment is surely coming.

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