Too late now

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To have grace is to have “simple elegance or refinement of movement.” It also means to have “courteous good will.” Having grace is a wonderful thing. People who have grace adore giving. I’ve met some people whose whole lives are about grace. Some of them are family members, others friends. Some are strangers, who even if our meeting was fleeting demonstrated more grace than many do in a lifetime.

It’s also important for politicians to have grace. President Biden does. His grace is embroidered with empathy, warmth and kindness that wraps itself around him. And the GOP? The GOP’s fall from grace started a long time ago.

I would argue that it started the moment Donald John Trump came down that escalator. I often wonder — what would the world be like if Republicans had immediately and furiously denounced Donald Trump after that escalator ride?

And by denouncing him, I do not mean saying a few vapid words like Lindsey Graham’s “we will be destroyed” comments. I’m talking about if the GOP had taken definitive steps to lock Trump out of ANY AND ALL access to the party. What would the world look like now? How would our world be different?

Well – for one thing we definitely would NOT have headlines like the following:

“Alabama IVF ruling a political gift to democrats.”

“IVF ruling opens new front in Election-year abortion battles.”

” MAGA Republicans are Useful Idiots for Russian Intelligence.”

“The real reason why Republicans hate higher education.”

“Trump has finally remade Republicans into Putin’s playthings.”

“How Putin co-opted the Republican party.”

“Republicans losing faith in Jonson.”

“Dueling pro-Trump factions in Michigan throw the swing state’s republicans into disarray.”

“Republicans struggle to respond to Alabama embryo ruling.”

“What is the cost for Republicans of their key informant having Russian ties?”

These are the results, my friends of a Google search. All I did was plug in the word “Republicans.” These are the results that come back.

Republicans are in deep trouble. It’s not just one issue, as you see. Their trouble encompasses their whole core.

The GOP are being revealed as Russia-kissing, Putin-loving cowards, with chickenshit where their courage should be.

When a fall from Grace starts, the one – or ones — who fall always have avenues to stop it. They have options. They can grab hold of something to prevent the fall. In the Republican’s case, that which they could grab , includes sanity, courage, and honesty.

But, as these headlines — viewed at 2:32 PM on 2/23, tell and show you, they chose not to do this. And now it’s finally and forever too late.

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