No wonder Donald Trump was panicking last night

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Even though Donald Trump’s attention probably should have been on the pretrial proceedings in his federal criminal case last night, Trump instead spent the evening obsessively ranting about his New York civil fraud trial. Even after midnight he was still going on and on about it, dredging up old narratives about a trophy that a bank once gave him.

The sudden display of panic about the case tipped off that Trump thought the verdict was about to land. The question was whether Trump was merely panicking because the judge’s “early to mid February” timeframe is upon us, or because Trump knew something specific.

Now NBC News is reporting today that the judge’s verdict is indeed set for release this Friday. That’s just three days from now. There’s good reason to suspect that NBC asked Trump and his people for comment about the story last night, and that’s why Trump was going out of his mind about it last night.

Remember, Trump has already lost the main point in this case by summary judgment. All that’s left is for the judge to issue verdicts on the secondary aspects of the case, factor in what Allen Weisselberg’s perjury means, and assign a (massive) dollar amount in damages against Trump. No wonder Trump was up ranting about the whole thing.

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