Donald Trump goes on senile bender about the wrong war

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I have a poem for you. Poems can be so wonderful, can’t they? Poetry is about the beauty of the skies and the shimmering exotic fountains from which water dramatically flows. Poems are about warm pools of water that sweep our lovely shores,about all the colors of the rainbow, golden poems of sunburst, blooming green poems of the foliage of our lands, majestic purple poems, poems of silver moons, and comforting twilight, floating pink clouds and turquoise sea swirls.

All poems have something appealing about them. “Fields.” This is the start of the brand spanking new poem I’d like to introduce you to! I really hope you like it.


“Jungles of Vietnam!”

‘they delivered a swift and swippy.”

“And you know that.”


“It was swift, and it was sweeping!”

“like nobody’s seen anything happen.”

“a victory in Operation Dessert Storm!”

“a lot of you were involved in that!”

“a lot of you were involved.”

“That was a quick one.”

Wow. What a — that’s just — some poem. Who is this master poet? Why it’s Donald Trump. Oh, the places his mind goes! OK – A few things here. Please don’t quit your day job, Donald, as an indictee on his way to prison. Poetry is NOT your friend.

Number two — I thought I knew my wars! I never knew Vietnam and Desert Storm were the same war. Are you listening, media? Do you care? I think they do to an extent. Slowly but surely, the inchworms are getting it, measuring the marigolds of the Trump senility infestation.

Regular stories are now popping up, and it isn’t a surprise, considering we have a mad, traitorous, dementia-ridden, wanna-be poet on our hands.

Palmer Report needs your help! If each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it'll help keep us firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation's history: Donate now via PayPal or GoFundMe