Yep, turns out Donald Trump totally got that dementia test wrong

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“Amazing.” That’s what Donald Trump is calling himself — and his mental acuity. “Amazing!” It’s amazing, alright, only not for the reasons Trump might think. Our traitor has been gallivanting across New Hampshire this week, saying increasingly stupid things and appearing rather insane.

No word yet on whether he’s been to New Hampshire’s Capitol, George Conway, New Hampshire. But one thing Trump has not stopped talking about is the whale. This is the whale from his cognitive test. Trump happily waxed poetic about whales. There is a problem, though, with Trump’s whale scenario. That problem is a big one.

There WAS no whale in his cognitive tests. Oh, the irony here. The person who designed the assessment is even saying so. He is a Canadian neurologist and he has come out and said that: “I don’t think we have a version with a whale.”

No Moby Dicks in THIS test. So basically Trump is suffering from false memory syndrome — he is remember something that does not exist. George Conway, New Hampshire better hope he doesn’t stroll into THEIR town.

If you’re perhaps wondering why New Hampshire has a town called George Conway New Hampshire, the answer is — they don’t. They, like Trump’s imaginary whale do not exist. Trump thinks they do though. He referred to George Conway as the New Hampshire’s state capital.

Does Concord know about this? Concord is the REAL Capital and I imagine Concord might be feeling rather miffed right now for not getting the recognition they deserve. It’s inevitable though. Trump is the old man obsessed with Whales, not to mention a little non liquid corn and George Conway New Hampshire. Sounds like Trump’s mental health is exactly as we thought it was.

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