Donald Trump is personally profiting financially from Las Vegas shooting

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How low can Donald Trump go this week? That seems to be an open question with each passing day. After he utterly failed the people of Puerto Rico, he turned his visit to the hurricane ravaged U.S. island into a humiliating farce. He then traveled to Las Vegas and tried to make the recent shooting all about himself. Now Trump has found a way to personally profit financially from the Las Vegas attack.

Trump is already running a “reelection” campaign for 2020 which has seen him raising funds online and at real world events. He’s not actually running for anything; he’s merely using it as an excuse to fundraise money, which he’s spending on things like his son’s legal defense. In other words, Trump is personally profiting from the more-or-less imaginary reelection campaign. That leads us to the latest fundraising email he sent out on Saturday, which is one of the most cravenly tasteless things he’s ever done.

The email starts off with “Our nation is still in shock and mourning following the massacre of 58 concertgoers and hundreds of others injured in Las Vegas” and then it goes on to ask for donations to his reelection campaign (link). Trump is literally saying Americans died in Vegas, so give me money. Worse, we already know that he’s spending the money being donated to the imaginary campaign on his own personal expenses. In other words, Trump is personally profiting by invoking the Las Vegas shooting.

This comes after Donald Trump showed virtually no leadership in the wake of the Las Vegas tragedy. He stupidly tweeted his “warmest condolences,” whatever that was supposed to mean, before going silent for the rest of the day. He still has yet to properly address the shooting – yet he’s instead finding ways to exploit it to stick money in is pocket.

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