Man opens fire in Colorado Supreme Court building after Trump ballot ruling, no one harmed

Last month the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is ineligible for the 2024 presidential ballot in the state because he incited an insurrection against the United States on January 6th. Now an armed man has broken into the building that houses the Colorado Supreme Court and “opened fire” before being arrested, according to NBC News.

No one was injured, and there is still no reporting on the gunman’s motives. But this incident certainly raises eyebrows. We’ll have to wait to see if this was indeed a Trump supporter seeking revenge against the Colorado Supreme Court for removing Trump from the ballot, or if this was an unrelated incident.

In the meantime, let’s keep one important thing in mind. You never cower to these types. You never sit back and say “Oh no, they’re going to use violence to get what they want.” This gunman, whatever his motives, did not succeed in his goal and is now behind bars. Trump’s January 6th attackers did not succeed in their goal and are now behind bars. Trump and his people cannot “violence” him back into power. Any pro-Trump violence that we see is merely the last gasp of a dying movement.

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