Misogynist in chief

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It’s no fun when one gets mixed up with a misogynist. Misogyny is a genuine problem. It is primarily a problem, it would seem, for Republican men who reveal their contempt for women daily. And like with so very many things — racism, antisemitism, — lots of the misogyny we see now came about because of Donald Trump.

I do not mean to imply that the woman haters were not there before. But most of them were hiding in not-so-plain sight. You see, Donald Trump permitted these people to come out when he came along. He gave them tactical permission to leave their prehistoric caves and mingle with society.

That is why we are seeing GOP misogyny, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. It’s sad. Unfortunately, , we, the people, have to DEAL with these unwieldy creatures. But Trump is the head instigator. Instigators ADORE starting trouble. And on the morning of New Year’s Eve, he once again showed the American people how deeply women bother him.

Cassidy Hutchinson. Alyssa Farah Griffin. Sara Mathews. All of these women were at one time White House staffers for the Trump administration. And all of them appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to discuss why they believe Trump is so dangerous.

Well, Trump appeared to have seen this. And faster than one could say, pissed off, he’d taken to truth social. What did he post? Well, the man posted SCREENSHOTS of positive old comments these ladies had made about him in the past. Trump appeared to be implying that the ladies were lying.

The stuff Trump posted was from way before January 6. And, of course, these ladies may have initially liked Trump. They did, after all, work for him! According to Rolling Stone, what Trump did was try to play Gotcha with the ladies, the implication being that they are contradicting themselves now. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The bottom line is Trump lost loads of support after J-6th. His attempts to muddy the reputation of these women speaks to Trump’s misogyny.

Trump has shown himself to be the ultimate misogynist. He appears to have no use for women unless they sing his praises. He seems to view women as bright and vivid decorations, cake decorations, and with the ones he DOES spend time with, he seems to want these ladies to be seen but not heard

His ego cannot handle intense and fiery women. Like all misogynists, he hates women with strong voices, and he has convinced many others to hate as well.

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