The “Donald Trump smells bad” saga just took a whole new turn

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You knew it had to happen, right? You knew it was only going to be a matter of time, right? And now it’s arrived. A new ad has been cut about Donald Trump’s — um — aroma. Yes, this news comes by way of the Lincoln Project, which did not waste any time in letting the world know that Donald John Trump stinks to high heaven.

The ad starts with images — images of stinky things that smell really BAD. Dumpsters. Manure. You get the picture. And then out of the city it comes! A view of Trump Tower. Hello, Stinky.

One can hear, in this ad, coughing, gagging, and sniffing as people vainly try to handle the effects of the stench. Kathy Griffin can also be heard gleefully describing the depth of Trump’s stench. At the end of this fun little video, a voice asks:

“Is that you, Donald?”

Reaction from Twitter was lightning-fast.

“The odor comes from his sickness.”

“Brutally deserving!”

“He poisons America with his stench.”

“The law and odor candidate.”

“What a NASTY thing to say about our sanitation industry! Trash bags do NOT smell as bad as Donald.”

“When he’s near, your eyes will tear; what a putrid fetid chump.”

“Can you imagine sitting next to him on a plane?”

“keep America odor free–vote for Joe Biden.”

“What smells worse than Trump? Anything?”

It seems the #Trumpsmells hoopla is far from over.

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