“Donald Trump smells bad”

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Sometimes, we need humor in our lives. Sometimes, a light news story can make all the difference when one is stressed and tired. Sometimes, one needs to laugh. In that regard — as Bill Palmer laid out, #TrumpSmells ruled the day on Twitter as it began trending (number one for a while).

It seemed everyone piled on. It seemed everyone had something to say about — well — Smells. Mainly Trump’s smell. And even now, people are still chattering away about it. No wonder! It isn’t every day we find out a former President (the worst President ever) stinks to high heaven.

So allow me, readers, to guide you toward what Twitter says about all of this. I chose some of the funniest responses, the most witty, and the best of the best – for your viewing pleasure. So, let’s get to it:

“Learning that Donald Trump smells bad is the least surprising thing that happened in 2023.”

“The stolen classified documents in his shower kept him from soaping up.”

“Before I go to bed, did y’all hear that Trump smells?”

“Trump Smells. Luckily, the federal government is sending in Old Spice to take care of the problem.”

“I can smell it from Australia.”

“Trump smells should not be used in stupid ad hominem attacks. But what IS true is:
Trump stinks.”

“I cannot believe we didn’t see it before! Everyone tried to warn us.”

“Now I have Lynyrd Skynyrd in my head.”

“I smell a rat who wants to destroy our democracy.”

“People on the street have come up to me crying and saying trump smells.”

“Jungle bells, Trump smells.”

“I guess with all the hookers and blow, something had to give.”

“Remember Jerry Seinfeld’s car, the one where they couldn’t get the stink out? I bet Trump had been in there.”

“Stinky time in the city.”

“Mike Pence’s fly smelled it!”

“I strongly feel I didn’t need to know this.”

“Fear of prison hormone.”

“Trump smells is not where I thought we’d be at this point, but here we are.”

As I said — sometimes one just needs a laugh.

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