The ghost of Donald Trump

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Pharaoh has spoken! In ancient Egyptian history, the Egyptian monarchies reportedly said that a lot. Members of the Ptolemy dynasty did in particular. I mention this ancient saying because there is a modern group of idiots who are also using this phrase, at least metaphorically.

It is the Republican party, and their pharaoh is Donald John Trump. OK, Donald. Whatever you say, Donald. Anything I can do to help, Donald. Whatever Donald wants. And what he wants — is to be avenged.

He wants to be avenged because he was impeached – twice. So now he wants President Biden to be impeached, too.

Only it won’t work. People want to see the Republican Congress do things that HELP THEM — hey, life isn’t always a walk in the park. And the American people know it. And they could use some help.

So could Ukraine. So could Israel. But alas! Avenging Donald Trump seems to be the ONLY thing the House GOP is interested in. After all… Pharaoh has spoken.

The irony here? Donald Trump is no pharaoh. If Republicans would take off the blinders, they would see:

What they would see — is a tiny orange ball of rage, a little twerp, a hardened (though not particularly bright) criminal, a raging storm of bacteria and filth which has no life — nothing he lives for — other than making people’s lives miserable and avenging himself of imaginary slights.

They would see a manipulative asshole, a little boy wrapped in the orange body of an adult, a pathetic weasel, a screaming hyena not capable of understanding ANYTHING the American people care about.

Or perhaps they already know. Senator Chuck Grassley certainly seems to, as he’s just said that he has seen no evidence President Biden did anything wrong. But traitors will be traitors, and trembling sycophants will always obey. No pharaoh to see here. All that WE see is a group of dopes, a cringing, frightened bunch of sad little boys, and the man who owns them. Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

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