Broken down Donald Trump “not doing very much” anymore

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For the past three years the story of Donald Trump has been that even as the entire media (left, right, and center) was hyping him as being more dangerously powerful than ever, Trump was sitting and rotting at Mar-a-Lago. When he occasionally came out of hiding, it was clear why his people were keeping him out of the public eye: there wasn’t much left of him.

Of course now that Trump is going on criminal trial four times and heading for prison, he has to go out and try to at least nominally sell himself as a political candidate, in the hope of keeping the public from seeing him solely as a defendant. But as I’ve pointed out numerous times, Trump has only been doing the bare minimum.

Trump only holds occasional rallies, gives occasional speeches, and does very few interviews. But even though that number has gone up of late, it hasn’t gone up by much. Now that we’re getting closer to the 2024 election cycle becoming a real thing, it’s starting to stand out that Trump is still mostly in hiding, and that he comes off as senile when he does surface. In fact it’s becoming so obvious that even the media is finally having to start to admit it:

So there you have it. Donald Trump, who wants us to believe that he’s somehow running for President in 2024 in spite of the multiple criminal trials he’ll face before then, is “not doing very much” in general. Thanks, media, for finally admitting what Palmer Report has been pointing out for three years now.

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