Senile Donald Trump declares “I was eating too much”

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A few days ago I wrote that Donald Trump was reaching the point of senility where he wasn’t just forgetting and confusing things, he was also starting to lose his ability to understand what he’s not supposed to reveal. One reason aging crime bosses tend to take a fall is that they no longer have the ability to keep the secrets they’ve spent their lives keeping.

To that end, last week Liz Cheney said that when she challenged Kevin McCarthy for having visited Trump shortly after January 6th, McCarthy responded that it was because Trump was depressed and not eating. That gives you a sense of where Trump’s mind was in 2021. But if you want a glimpse of what little is left of Trump’s mind here in 2023, just take a look at what he’s now posting on social media: “I was not depressed, I WAS ANGRY, and it was not that I was not eating, it was that I was eating too much.”

No really, Trump said this yesterday. He decided that it would be a good idea to reveal that he “was eating too much” after the failed January 6th attack. Keep in mind that Trump is set to go on criminal trial multiple times for his role in relation to January 6th. He’s supposed to be working on trial defense strategies, to try to avoid being sent to prison. And yet the message he most urgently wants to get out there is that he was “eating too much” during this period.

If you’ve had the misfortune to watch someone in your life succumb to dementia, you know exactly what’s happening here. Trump has spent years lying about his weight, pretending he’s a hundred pounds lighter than he is, even finding doctors to lie about his weight. But he’s now at a point of cognitive decline where that’s all gone. He isn’t a person who thinks on his own or who has thoughts of his own. He’s now the kind of senile person who is told by his handlers that he was eating too much, and then turns around and inappropriately announces in public that he was eating too much. This is who Trump is now. There’s nothing left of him.

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