More bad legal news for Donald Trump, House Republicans reveal their vulnerability, and good news for Joe Biden

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Some days there’s one big story that we should all be talking about, or looking at differently โ€“ and when that’s the case, I try to make my morning column about it. Other days there’s not one big story, but instead several medium sized stories that could each potentially become a larger story. Today feels like one of those days.

For starters, we’ve got the George Santos expulsion, which has seemed inevitable for awhile. I think the big takeaway is that if House Republicans thought things were going well for them, and that their 2024 prospects looked decent, they wouldn’t have felt compelled to expel Santos. This is a show of fear on their part. Republicans know that 2024 looks ugly for them. Let’s seize upon their weakness, even as we gear up to win the special election in ninety days to replace Santos.

Then there’s the fact that Trump’s primary defense in his January 6th federal criminal trial โ€“ the notion that presidential immunity allowed him to do whatever he wanted โ€“ was shattered by two different court rulings yesterday. Trump is now essentially going into trial without a defense, which helps ensure that he’ll come out of trial with a conviction.

Finally, let’s not allow it to go unnoticed that four new national polls this week all showed President Joe Biden ahead of Donald Trump in 2024. The media mostly ignored these polls. But if nothing else, these new polls seemed to embarrass the media into dropping the “Biden is doomed in the polls” narrative that it had been using to drive ratings for the past month. Remember, the polls have their problems, but the polls aren’t the problem. The real problem is that the media consistently misleads you about what the polls are even saying. Rather than adopting the mantra of “ignore the polls,” we’d be better off going with “force the media to stop lying about the polls.” Happy Saturday.

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