Donald Trump panics as Robert Mueller’s team meets with the Pee Pee Tape guy

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Over the past few days we’ve seen Donald Trump hit the panic button with his Twitter posts on a level that been frantic and manic even by his usual standards. He’s gone more berserk than usual with his attacks on the media. He’s defended Russian propaganda news outlets while calling for the American free press to be investigated. He’s been in full meltdown mode. Now we know what set him off.

Yesterday there was a report from Reuters that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had taken over the FBI investigation into the Trump Russia dossier, best known for its “Pee Pee Tape” allegation. Palmer Report pointed out at the time that Mueller wouldn’t haven taken it over unless he was fully confident he could confirm the major claims in the dossier. Sure enough, CNN is reporting on-air this evening that Mueller’s team traveled to London and met with former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier in question. This is a major development for a few reasons.

Up to now, Steele had refused to testify for any congressional committee investigating the Trump-Russia scandal – even the ones that had offered to travel to London to speak with him. It wasn’t entirely clear if Steele was uninterested in helping, or if he simply didn’t trust Trump’s allies in Congress who sit on these committees. Now we have our answer. Steele isn’t cooperating with Congress, but he’s cooperating with Mueller. This means Mueller is now working with Steele’s own background information, allowing him to hunt down and independently confirm every claim made in the dossier.

Based on his pattern of behavior, Donald Trump seems to be more worried about the embarrassing Russian prostitute allegations in the dossier being proven, than he is about the treasonous Russian collusion aspects of the dossier being proven. Shortly before posting these stories, Reuters and CNN would have asked Trump’s White House for comment. He knew these stories about Mueller and the dossier were about to go live. And he knows the “Pee Pee Tape” may now end up in Mueller’s hands. It’s why he’s been panicking for days. Update: per the Rachel Maddow show, Steele will meet with the Senate Intel Committee. No wonder Trump is losing it.

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