Steve Bannon just took it on the chin

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There’s an unfortunate tendency on our side to build up two-bit bumblers on the other side as if they have evil magic powers, so we can “sound the alarm” about them. Steve Bannon comes to mind as someone who get played up by our side as being omnipotently evil, even though he’s always been a bumbler, never found any sustained success, and keeps becoming more of an inept punchline.

Take, for instance, Bannon’s attempts at staging a protest against the Biden-Xi meeting yesterday:

This is the guy we’re supposed to be worried about? Of course not. Steve Bannon’s one and only skill was that he was able to get the mainstream media to build him up as a supervillain several years ago, and ever since then he’s been using that reputation to milk right wing goobers into going along with his stupid stunts. But it’s pretty obvious that he’s milked that one dry by now.

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