Donald Trump’s own biggest enemy strikes again

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Ah — it seems just yesterday when I waxed poetic about Assolini, saying a pathetic diatribe was likely incoming. Well — it’s here. Donald Trump continued his narcissistic collapse on Thursday as he continued to blame everything and everyone, but himself got the shit-show his life has now become.

“THIS TRIAL IS A GIANT DEMOCRAT SCAM.” That’s the way our traitor does it. Short, not so sweet bursts of anger as he claws his way onto Truth Social and lashes out at everyone around him. Original.

Trump ranted and raved about AG Tish James and his trial. He also claimed the Judge does whatever Tish James wants them to do. “He is (The Judge) totally afraid of her.” Right. Then Trump made this extraordinary claim: “Businesses are watching this witch-hunt and moving out of New York.”

Say WHAT? Man, I’ve got to hand it to him. Every time we think Trump has said the stupidest thing possible, he surprises us with something MORE stupid. That is one thing we can really depend on him for.

New York businesses are doing just fine, Donald. Is Donald TRULY not aware of how much New Yorkers despise him? Perhaps he is, but he’s buried it in his subconscious to be brought out in yet another whip-lash screaming fit down the line.

In any event — this is the narcissistic collapse we here at Palmer Report have spoken about so much. Trump’s on it right now, down in it, down in the pile of crap that is his own life.

He is not likely to come out of it anytime soon. Narcissistic personality has no cure; I wish that it did. Someday, perhaps it might. But as of now, it doesn’t, and neither do ANY personality disorders such as antisocial OR histrionic. (I am not convinced Trump does not also suffer from histrionic personality disorder. More on that in another article.)

At this point, everyone is waiting to see when Trump breaks the gag order. It could happen any day, any second now.

Poor Trump (I say that with sarcasm.) He has zero self-awareness, nor does he have the introspection to know the only person who ruined his life, the only person who causes all his pain, the one and only enemy of Donald Trump, his eternal enemy, is, in fact, Donald Trump.

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