Donald Trump gets cursed out about Puerto Rico by protester as he hands out golf trophy

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Donald Trump spent the weekend posting no fewer than twenty-one defensive and insulting tweets about Puerto Rico, even as the extent of his failed response to the Puerto Rico crisis became more glaring. Adding insult to injury, Trump did all of this while he was hanging out at his own golf resort. By Sunday afternoon, he delivered a new insult by handing out a golf trophy at a tournament. That’s when an on-site protester cursed him out for it.

Trump attended the closing ceremony of the Presidents Cup golf tournament on Sunday afternoon and handed out the winning trophy, instead of using that time to focus on helping Puerto Rico. In a surreal moment of glibness, he dedicated the trophy to the people suffering in Puerto Rico. According to a pool report (link), that’s when a protester in the audience at the golf tournament yelled “You don’t give a shit about Puerto Rico!”

Prior to that moment, Trump had spent the weekend tweeting insults at Puerto Ricans and their leadership. Trump insisted Puerto Ricans were too lazy to participate in their own relief efforts (despite no evidence of this). He referred to them as “ingrates.” He called the mayor of Puerto Rico’s capital city “nasty.”

Donald Trump is finally headed to Puerto Rico later this week for a visit. Based on the fatal ineptness of his response and the racist insults he’s been hurling at Puerto Ricans, he’s likely to face more than a few people down there who are interested in cursing at him.

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