“Will the witness take the stand”

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In what seems like a scene from a bad movie (because there’s no way this could happen in reality, right?) former Trump impeachment attorney, David Schoen spoke with Poppy Harlow on CNN, and the subject of Donald Trump testifying on his own behalf came up

Schoen expressed his belief that Donald Trump would do it, that he would testify on his own behalf, and the lawyer said he should testify, because Donald Trump has proven to be one of the world’s great communicators.

Excuse me for a moment while I try to fight the hysterical giggle that have bubbled up in me. Well this country has had some great presidents who excel at communicating. This is true.

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

“Ask what you can do for your country.”


That last one comes from Donald John Trump, who, according to his lawyer, has nailed the very essence of extraordinary communication. I don’t know whether Donald Trump calls these people in the middle of the night and begs them to go on television and say things like this. But surely anybody watching knows that this former attorney would have to be insane to even suggest that Donald Trump knows how to say one coherent thing.

The only thing Donald Trump knows how to communicate is rage as many broken ketchup bottles could attest to. Trump is actually one of the worst, if not the worst communicators I have ever seen. This is because he has no listening skills. He basically talks about himself and what a great guy he is.

If this lawyer truly means what he says, (and that’s debatable), then he needs to look deep within himself to understand what communication truly is. Perhaps he should watch some old speeches from some of our presidential greats. Donald John Trump isn’t one of them.

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