And there he goes…

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On Sunday there was a good column from Showbiz411 of all places, pointing out that for all of Donald Trump’s increasingly frequent and hyperbolic social media ranting, he’s spent the past two weeks largely avoiding attacking the judges or prosecutors in his criminal case. While you never know how long the wishy washy Trump is going to stick to his guns on this kind of thing, it made clear that Trump is truly afraid of the consequences of such attacks.

Here’s the kicker. Just a few hours after that column was published, Trump suddenly launched into one of his most unhinged social media attacks yet on prosecutor Fani Willis and key prosecution witness Brian Kemp. The post goes out of its way to use words like “murderers” and “kill” and “death sentence” to try to sound as menacing as possible.

This probably isn’t a coincidence. Trump goes weeks without making these kinds of attacks, but as soon as headlines start to call him out for being afraid to make such attacks, he starts making such attacks just a few hours later? Come on. Trump is remarkably transparent in that sense.

Trump, or more likely his handlers, saw Sunday’s headline portraying him as weak and afraid, and responded by hurrying up and getting an ugly attack on Fani Willis onto Trump’s social media page. It’s almost surreal how easily baited Trump and his people are by this kind of thing.

Remember, these kinds of social media posts can only serve to hurt Donald Trump in terms of how quickly his criminal cases will get to trial and how few privileges he’ll have left by the time he does get to trial. So if media articles calling him weak and tepid are indeed baiting him into running his mouth, then so be it.

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