Donald Trump just went full blown Four Seasons Total Landscaping

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report has the smartest and savviest audience in all of politics. If you contribute $5 or more now, we can win it all: Donate now!

Donald Trump just announced that he’ll be holding a news conference on Monday to present an “irrefutable report” that the 2020 election was stolen from him. This is nothing short of remarkable in its stupidity. Trump just got indicted for this kind of election fraud, and now he’s digging himself an even deeper hole.

Not only will Trump’s news conference make it easier for prosecutors to prove corrupt intent on his part, it will also serve to make Trump look very, very stupid. He’s largely been out of the public eye for the past two and a half years, instead allowing the media to hype him as the scary ghost hiding around the corner. But if Trump actually tries this kind of stunt, it’ll simply remind persuadable Americans in the middle that he’s completely washed up.

That said, we might get some entertainment value out of this. Will Rudy Giuliani call in remotely from Four Seasons Total Landscaping? Will Sidney Powell finally release the Kraken? Will Mike Lindell promise to have the report ready in two weeks? Can we assume that whoever is missing from this news conference has already cut a plea deal by then?

But in all seriousness, keep in mind that there’s probably a less than 50-50 chance that this “news conference” even happens. Trump has a long habit of announcing things like this in advance, just so the media will spend a week chasing ratings by suggesting that the upcoming event means we’re all doomed, when he’s not even really planning anything. So we’ll see if he goes through with it.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report has the smartest and savviest audience in all of politics. If you contribute $5 or more now, we can win it all: Donate now!