Donald Trump reaches breaking point: he’s “embarrassed” and “pissed” at pretty much everyone

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Things have regularly gone poorly for Donald Trump since he took office, but this past week things have gone jarringly poorly for him even by his standards. Pretty much everything went wrong for him that could go wrong. As a result, he’s reaching his breaking point and seems to be melting down while privately lashing out at pretty much everyone.

Trump is “embarrassed and pissed” in the wake of his candidate Luther Strange’s loss last night in the Republican primary race in the U.S. Senate special election in Alabama, according to CNN’s Jim Acosta (link). He’s embarrassed that Steve Bannon, the guy he just got done firing, led Strange’s primary opponent Roy Moore to victory. Trump is pissed at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for having talked him into backing Strange to begin with. And that’s just the beginning of what all is going wrong for him.

This week Trump saw the demise of his latest attempt at repealing Obamacare, after he and the Republicans put forth yet another replacement plan that was substantially worse than Obamacare. Trump also failed in his attempt at getting NFL team owners to prohibit their players from kneeling before games; several team owners instead stood arm in arm with their players on the sideline while some of those players knelt. Kim Jong-Un continues to defy Trump’s demands, making him look toothless. This all comes as Trump’s Russia scandal continues to close in on him.

With all of that piling up, it’s no wonder Donald Trump finds himself embarrassed, pissed, exasperated, melting down, whatever you want to call it. It’s becoming clear that Trump can’t handle the pressure of the job. As things continue to go worse for him and thus become more stressful for him, perhaps he’ll end up cracking to the point that he simply limps away.

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