Donald Trump collapses in a heap of delusion as his life falls to pieces

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“I NEED ONE MORE INDICTMENT TO ENSURE MY ELECTION!” That’s what Donald Trump said on social media today, just before surrendering himself for arrest and arraignment on federal criminal charges he’s facing for having tried to overthrow the government of the United States.

You can’t get any more delusional than this. You really can’t. It’s just so plainly obvious that the more criminal charges Trump is hit with, and the more trials he has scheduled, the more likely it is that he’ll be convicted in at least one of them well before any election, and that his future will consist of the big house and not the White House.

I mean this is plainly, plainly, plainly, almost 2+2=4 or sky is blue obvious. Trump getting indicted on even more felony charges is going to crush his life and erase what little delusional political ambitions he might have had left. Trump continuing to get indicted over and over again is no somehow magically put him in a stronger position on anything. He is not Obi-Wan Kenobi. This isn’t a fantasy realm. In the real world, the things that weaken you put you in a weaker position, not a stronger one.

Yet Trump is now desperately trying to convince us, but really just trying to convince himself, that racking up all these criminal charges is somehow a good thing for him. Like a lot of desperate and hopeless people who are seeing their lives ripped to pieces and can’t find even a sliver of a silver lining in any of it, Trump is simply making up an imaginary silver lining. He’s decided that the utter destruction of his life is somehow a good thing for him. He’s decided that the fact that his life is over means he’ll somehow magically become President now. In that sense, Trump is no different than anyone else who knows their life is over and doesn’t want to accept that reality: he retreating into delusion. That’s also known as surrender by default, because it means Trump is content to focus on imaginary magic carpet rescue fantasies instead of focusing on trying to help himself in any way related to reality.

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