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It’s been a rough month for the traitor. He’s screamed and yelled and carried on. And he’s begged. Donald Trump has been begging all the people he’s treated with deep contempt (Republicans) for help. And he’s wondered aloud (or at least on Truth Social) why help was not on the way.

He has felt alone, cast aside by many, as his “Do something!” pleas show. But why? Why is nobody rushing in where so many fear to tread, why are his pleas going ignored? Perhaps Donald Trump did too good a job. He told many, frequently, that he needed no help, that “I alone can fix it.” He said that all the time. Perhaps he did not know he’d run into something he simply couldn’t fix.

And Trump bragged so often — so often and so pathetically, that he was smart, the smartest guy in the room. This IS the guy who said he could end Putin’s war in one day. So now he waits. He’s pinning his hopes on — on WHO? Kevin? Matt Gaetz? Marge?

And his weakness is something to see. It’s something to see because Trump had told us he is never, ever wrong. About anything. Imagine the humiliation he must now feel, appealing to people he secretly (or not so secretly) loathes, people who he deems as dumb and weak.

And now Trump wants people to forget his words. Save me, he yells. Do something! They will not save him. But someone WAS saved. While Trump was busy bragging that he alone could fix it, while Trump’s house of cards disintegrated, while Trump called out in the night for saving, Jack Smith and Merrick Garland and we, the people, went and saved America. From Donald Trump.

Palmer Report needs your help! If each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it'll help keep us firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation's history: Donate now via PayPal or GoFundMe