“We’ll have fun on the stand”

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For some people, their fantasy has just come true. Donald Trump has said he wants to take the stand if indicted for January 6. It seems incredible to believe, but he said it. “We’ll have fun on the stand.”

Fun on the stand? Does Donald Trump understand that this is not “Happy Days?” Does he get that this is a criminal trial which might put him behind bars for many years? Trump has also said that when people hear what he has to say, they will l understand his actions.

Is the man this blindingly stupid? Please don’t answer that. It was rhetorical. So Trump, (much to the horror of his lawyers I imagine), wants to get on the stand and tell the world how the deep state stole the election from him. This could be good. Can you imagine the horror of Republicans and Trump’s attorneys if Trump does this?

And if he does take the stand, if he does tell the Jury all about the stolen election, what would it sound like? I imagine it might sound something like this:

“Hi, Jury. You have to understand, I’m not a criminal. I’m the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, I’m so nice, everyone says it, but what happened to me was a crime!”

“The deep state stole the election! The Democratic thugs, and the woke mob. We have the votes, I mean listen to me, we won, we won Pennsylvania!!!”

“We did better than we did in 2016 in Wisconsin, bigly, but they changed the votes. They changed the votes!”

“And all I, all I’ve been trying to do is explain that I’m still the president and those people on January 6. They are the most beautiful souls. Their souls are so beautiful, they really are. They love their president, they’re so beautiful.”

“And they didn’t do anything wrong I mean, antifa, I mean, Mitt Romney, I mean Pence, Pence, was my friend, but I don’t like him anymore!”

“Pence had the chance, he was the man, he was supposed to , and he didn’t do it. I don’t know, he’s’s not strong like me, Judge, Jury, he, he he…”

“And I have not committed one crime! I am the most crime-free person in the world. I don’t know, but I know I’m innocent and that if anyone should be on trial, it’s HIM — Jack Smith, and Joe Biden, and Garland, that horrible Garland, you know he’s a very bad man!”

“So yes I’m innocent, and you people on the Jury, you look like such great people, so look at you you’re good Americans, I can tell, I can tell you love your country and you love your president, you love Donald Trump, everybody’s favorite president.”

“So you’re going to do the right thing and you understand that the deep state, I’m not a criminal.” Can’t wait until they get to “Ladies and gentlemen, have you reached a verdict?”

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