Donald Trump’s back nine

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Donald Trump has announced if he becomes the president again, which he won’t, he might look at appointing nine new Supreme Court Justices. This threat is not to be taken seriously. But it does underscore an important point. Everything the GOP accuses of if they want to do themselves. And the court is no different.

Court expansion is definitely on the table for us if we win. President Biden is not terribly enthusiastic about it NOW, but that might change when he wins a second term. Court expansion has never been terribly popular in the polls, although it’s picking up steam. Biden does not want to be seen as overly political. But once he wins a second term, he won’t have to worry as much.

In addition to court expansion, there are term limits. There is so much we can do! Republicans have gone off on us, saying we plan to “pack the court.” But I will make a prediction, and it’s a cold (and not a very happy ) one.

If Republicans win, THEY will pack the court — with Republican judges. They will get rid of the filibuster, And they will have an excuse ready. Republicans ALWAYS have an excuse.

Here are a few:

“Democrats would have done it, so why can’t we?”

“We have got to fight wokeness any way we can.”

Of course, if the GOP doesn’t win, we don’t have to worry. But by Trump saying this, he is only putting into words what plenty of Republicans are thinking. They will never be satisfied with a 6-3 majority. They would likely pack the court with 20 or 3 justices if they could. That’s why we have to win.

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