Jack Smith now “almost certain” to indict Donald Trump for January 6th

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Retired Federal Judge Michael Luttig, a conservative Republican, previously testified against Donald Trump during the January 6th Committee public hearings. Now he’s penned an op-ed in the New York Times, titled “It’s Not Too Late for the Republican Party.” Whether you agree with the premise of the title or not, Judge Luttig is making a hard sell for the Republican Party to ditch Donald Trump and everything he stands for, while it still can.

You can read Judge Luttig’s lengthy reasoning here. But what jumps off the page is Luttig’s casual mention of Donald Trump’s “now almost certain indictment for conspiring to obstruct Congress from certifying Mr. Biden as the president on Jan. 6.”

To be clear, Judge Luttig is not in position to have specific inside information about Jack Smith’s charging decisions. That said, Luttig has a far better understanding of the process than most – and he’s connected to some of the Republican officials who have testified to Jack Smith’s grand jury. So when Luttig says that this indictment is almost certain, and implies that it’s coming soon, it helps underscore just what a near-given Trump’s 1/6 indictment is.

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