Donald Trump’s mind has been shattered

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“A beautiful mind” is the title of a book and a film that depicts the life of John G. Nash Jr. Nash repeatedly would keep huge amounts of newspaper clippings in his office. Reportedly he did this because of a “Russian code” he thought he needed to crack.

The film AND the book received plenty of critical acclaim indeed. And the words “beautiful mind” have made an appearance — in Donald trump’s document mess.

Reportedly some of his aides would use the term: “beautiful mind” to explain Trump’s obsession with the stolen documents. Not only did Trump take the documents, he apparently formed a deep attachment to them.

Some reports say that he felt “a sense of security” having these beautiful documents around him, scattered throughout his home and person.

Perhaps to Mr. Trump, they represented power, reminding him that even if he WAS A loser, he still had made off with stolen documents in hand. But some have said that Trump kept an almost obsessive eye on the documents.

One source said that Trump and his own special way of arranging the documents, and even if they looked disorderly and messy to someone else, Trump would know “immediately” if said documents had been touched, moved, or tampered with.

Trump seemed to view the documents almost as companionship, not unlike Tom Hank’s character in “Castaway” with “Wilson.”

He seemed to find them comforting, a healing balm to his ruined pride, and he kept a close eye on them, seemingly dependent on knowing where they were.

Others in the trump circle say he’d always been a bit of a hoarder — keeping trinkets, letters, and other memorabilia for years upon years.

And sources say Trump’s attachment to the boxes meant he was usually able to remember what was in each box and what the content was.

One source said he was “meticulous” about what items went into what boxes. And as aides voiced their concerns to him, the number of boxes began to eerily multiply. Mr. Trump began bringing in more and more boxes. Scattering them all over his abode.

What an utterly eerie aspect of Trump’s personality. Trump’s mind is not so beautiful. In fact, it appears pretty NON-BEAUTIFUL to me. So does his penchant for storing and itemizing things. It sounds to me like our Donald is a bit of a hoarder.

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